Journal Description
- Editor in Chief: Prof. Daniel Obeng-Ofori
- ISSN: 2737-7172 (O). 2737-7180 (P)
- Print Issue: Available
- Frequency (Bi-Monthly)
- NASS Rating: 4.47
- Start year: 2020
- Subject: Multidisciplinary
- Submission: Open
- IC Value: 42.91%
- Peer Review: Double Blind
Important Information:
In order to clarify our objectives and academic scope, the International Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies and Innovative Research (IJMSIR) has its first website URL as (https://ijmsir.org). ISSN: 4132-2894 for print; 2413-3248 for online. IJMSIR was launched in October 2020. A migration to OJS was necessary in order to increase its international visibility and improve its position. The second website (https://ijmsirjournal.com) is a continuation of the first website (https://ijmsir.org).
Previous Archive:
Volume - 1 | Volume - 2 | Volume - 3
Volume - 4 | Volume - 5 | Volume - 6
Volume - 7 | Volume - 8 | Volume - 9
This comprehensive Volume of the International Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies and Innovative Research showcases a diverse array of scholarly contributions that encompass the dynamic realms of Science, Management, and the Humanities. Within its pages, readers will discover a rich tapestry of research articles and studies, each offering valuable insights, fresh perspectives, and profound knowledge drawn from these three distinct yet interwoven fields. Together, these articles provide a holistic view of the latest advancements, trends, and innovative approaches that span across the spectrum of academia, offering a platform for interdisciplinary exploration and fostering a deeper understanding of the multifaceted world of knowledge.
Current Issue
Vol. 12 No. 5 (2024): International Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies and Innovative Research
This comprehensive Volume of the International Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies and Innovative Research showcases a diverse array of scholarly contributions that encompass the dynamic realms of Science, Management, and the Humanities. Within its pages, readers will discover a rich tapestry of research articles and studies, each offering valuable insights, fresh perspectives, and profound knowledge drawn from these three distinct yet interwoven fields. Together, these articles provide a holistic view of the latest advancements, trends, and innovative approaches that span across the spectrum of academia, offering a platform for interdisciplinary exploration and fostering a deeper understanding of the multifaceted world of knowledge.
Published: January 8, 2025