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Classroom management is an essential aspect of effective teaching and learning. This paper explores the concept and nature of classroom management practices, highlighting their significance in creating a conducive learning environment. The paper discusses various strategies, techniques, and theories that educators employ to manage classrooms effectively. It also addresses the challenges faced by teachers in maintaining discipline and order in the classroom and offers recommendations for improving classroom management practices. Ultimately, this paper emphasizes the importance of a well-structured and nurturing classroom environment in promoting student engagement and achievement. Umoren (2010) asserts that the scope of classroom management extends beyond merely maintaining student control and discipline. It encompasses all the actions teachers undertake within the classroom to encourage students' active participation in academic activities and to create an environment conducive to learning. Morse (2012) adds that classroom management involves not only addressing disruptive behaviors, such as fighting and noise-making, but also includes tasks such as carefully arranging learning materials and providing support to students with various challenges, such as poor vision, hearing, reading, writing, spelling, self-esteem issues, hyperactivity, and study habits. Taking a broader and more holistic perspective, Nicholas (2007) emphasizes the importance of creating an organized and orderly classroom, setting clear expectations, fostering student cooperation in learning tasks, and managing the logistical aspects of the classroom. This comprehensive view of classroom management stands in contrast to a narrower focus on discipline and control. Bassey (2012) points out that adopting this broader approach to classroom management can lead to increased student engagement, a reduction in inappropriate and disruptive behaviors, greater student responsibility for their academic work, and improved academic performance overall.


classroom management teaching strategies educational practices classroom discipline teacher-student interaction

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How to Cite
Bonna, K. (2023). Concept and Nature of Classroom Management Practices. International Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies and Innovative Research, 11(4), 1601–1615.


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