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The purpose of the study is to examine the Perception and Effect of Undergraduate English Language Students have about Studying Literature. The findings of this study have some implications for ESL students studying literature in the language classroom. The fact that literature has been used to make English language teaching and learning more interesting, even at the lower levels of learning, goes a long way to support the argument that literature should be encouraged in English language teaching and learning in Ghanaian schools. Poetry, drama, and prose have all been employed in the teaching and learning of various components of the English language. However, the critical function of literature in ESL students' language learning cannot be realized without a shift in the mindset of the stakeholders. According to the findings of this study, many undergraduate students have a negative attitude toward the study of literature. School authorities must also encourage parents to buy enough literary materials for their children and also encourage them to read them. This will help the students to develop good reading habits which will in turn improve their attitude toward the study of literature. Creative programmes could also be developed using current technologies which will make students develop good reading habits.


Undergraduate Effect Literature language English language

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How to Cite
Tinyogtaa Adama, D. (2022). Perception and Effect of Undergraduate English Language Students have about Studying Literature. International Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies and Innovative Research, 10(3), 1622–1635.


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