International Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies and Innovative Research <ul> <li><strong>Editor in Chief: <a href="">Prof. Daniel Obeng-Ofori</a></strong></li> <li><strong>ISSN: </strong><a href="">2737-7172 (O). 2737-7180 (P)</a></li> <li><strong>Print Issue: </strong>Available</li> <li><strong>Frequency</strong> (<strong>Bi-Monthly</strong>) </li> <li><strong>NASS Rating:</strong> 4.47</li> <li><strong>Start year:</strong> 2020</li> <li><strong>Subject: </strong>Multidisciplinary</li> <li><strong>Submission: </strong>Open</li> <li><strong>IC Value:</strong> 42.91%</li> <li><strong>Peer Review: </strong>Double Blind</li> </ul> en-US <p>The submitting author warrants that the submission is original and that she/he is the author of the submission together with the named co-authors; to the extent the submission incorporates text passages, figures, data, or other material from the work of others, the submitting author has obtained any necessary permission. By submitting an article the author grants this journal the non-exclusive right to publish it. The author retains the copyright and the publishing rights for his article without any restrictions. </p> (Professor Daniels OBENG-OFORI ) (Miracl Atianashie A.) Mon, 08 Apr 2024 23:46:53 +0000 OJS 60 The Impact of Career Development on Employee Engagement and Retention <p>This review examines the relationship between career development, employee engagement, and employee retention in organizational settings. Recognizing the pivotal role of the workforce as an organization's most valuable asset, the paper contends that any organization's long-term sustainability and competitive advantage hinge on effective human resource management strategies. Career development catalyzes optimal performance, enhanced employee engagement, and increased retention. The review establishes that organizations striving for a competitive edge in the global economy must prioritize employee retention as a strategic priority. It posits that career development, employee motivation, incentives, and talent management collectively foster a positive work environment. Pursuing professional advancement is a crucial driver for employees, creating a positive relationship between them and their employers. Empirical evidence supports the assertion that training plays a pivotal role in the career development process, with a constructive approach emphasizing the active involvement of employees. Employee retention is presented as mutually beneficial for both the organization and employees, as it leads to cost savings, competitive advantages, and the preservation of institutional knowledge. The paper explores the intricacies of employee turnover, distinguishing between voluntary and involuntary turnover, and highlights the multifaceted factors influencing such decisions. Personal and organizational factors influencing turnover, such as career development, family considerations, and external job offers, are discussed. Furthermore, the review underscores the positive correlation between employee engagement and retention. Employee engagement is characterized by physical, psychological, emotional, and cognitive dimensions, contributing to a committed and involved workforce. Strategic career development program implementation is a potent means to increase engagement, retain high-performing employees, and enhance overall productivity. The concept of career development is explored from both organizational and individual perspectives. Tailoring career development programs to diverse individual needs is emphasized, recognizing organizations' variability in demands, career stages, and hierarchical levels. The paper also addresses challenges to career development, including organizational structure, individual factors, political influences, and social considerations. These challenges underscore the complexity of fostering effective career development initiatives.</p> Albert Aziedjo Copyright (c) 2024 Albert Aziedjo Mon, 08 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Mindfulness and Its Impact on Student Anxiety and Performance <p>This review paper investigates the effects of a mindfulness strategy used to reduce anxiety and improve the academic performance of first-year medical and biomedical science students. By monitoring students' anxiety levels and correlating them with academic achievement, the aim is to determine whether practicing a mindful state positively affects students' ability to regulate stress and improve learning performance. This is an essential issue for first-year medical and biomedical science students who have extensive coursework and examination load to achieve a future career in the health industry. High-stress levels are standard among university students and are often a significant disadvantage when expected to perform academically. It is predicted that students practicing the mindfulness strategy will have reduced levels of anxiety and improved academic results compared to the control group. Participants will complete the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI), and their academic performance will be monitored throughout the semester. They will then be taught a mindfulness technique and practice it over three weeks. The group will meet once a week to discuss any concerns about the experience. The test group will be compared to a control group, which will continue their normal routine for the semester, along with regular weekly data collection. The test group is expected to have lower anxiety levels and improved academic results compared to the control group, which will show no change.</p> Kyeremeh Dennis, Christopher Charles Mate-Kole Copyright (c) 2021 Scholars Journal of Science and Technology Thu, 11 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0000 A Review on Learning Transfer to Job Performance <p>Organisations globally spend huge sums of money on the training and Development of employees to equip them with the needed knowledge, skills, and attitudes to enable the organisation to gain a competitive advantage and ultimately increase organisational performance. Learning transfer has become the means through which employees can translate knowledge, skills, and attitudes gained from training into job performance, leading to organisational success. As such, learning transfer should be a priority for human resource professionals. This paper reviews key theories and factors that interplay to bring about learning transfer and how these factors impact the job performance of employees in organisations. The training transfer model identifies trainee characteristics, training design, and work environment as determinants of transfer, while the learning transfer system inventory assesses ability, motivation, environment, and their influence on learning transfer. Goal-setting theory and the job characteristics model also provide lenses for understanding job performance. Again, the review identified learning design, work environment, trainee characteristics, and organisational support as learning factors that affect job performance. This research paper reviews theories and factors that influence how employees apply knowledge and skills learned in training to their job performance, which is important for organisations to realise returns on their investment in training and Development. The review explores how training design, work environment, employee characteristics, and organisational support impact learning transfer and subsequent job performance.</p> Gordon Kwasi Kyere Copyright (c) 2023 Gordon Kwasi Kyere Sat, 08 Apr 2023 00:00:00 +0000 The Impact of Organisational Politics on Employee Productivity <p>Organizational politics, which is typified by power battles, maneuvering, and self-interest, have drawn a lot of attention from the human resource management discipline. The objective of this paper provide an analysis of how organizational politics affect worker productivity. This review examines the numerous facets of organizational politics and their effects on employee attitudes, behaviors, and overall productivity. The analysis demonstrates that employee performance is significantly impacted by organizational politics. Organizational politics encourages the manipulation of information and causes unfair treatment and stress. It highlights how crucial it is to comprehend how workers view organizational politics and use strategies to reduce these views and improve employee productivity. However, organizational politics is not intrinsically harmful and a moderate amount of it has a favorable impact on individual work performance such as competitive advantage equality among others. Organizational politics is a concept that should be monitored to yield positive outcomes in an organization by increasing productivity.</p> Alfred Edem Amegbe Copyright (c) 2020 Scholars Journal of Science and Technology Mon, 08 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0000 The Effects of Bureaucracy on Organizational Performance <p>Efficiently navigating bureaucracy is crucial for the success of any organization. Failing to do so can severely hinder an organization's core functionality. This review examines how bureaucracy can positively or negatively impact organizational performance. Our findings emphasize the critical role bureaucracy plays in determining the success of a business, as it significantly affects efficiency, innovation, and overall effectiveness. Organizational structures are meant to make things easier, but they can slow things down when there are too many bureaucratic hurdles. In fact, excessive red tape can make it difficult for an organization to be as agile and responsive as it needs to be. For organizations to be more effective, it is important to take a hard look at the current processes and see where you can streamline things and eliminate unnecessary bureaucracies. The review explores the nuanced relationship between bureaucracy and employee morale, creativity, and job satisfaction, highlighting the importance of balancing structure with progress. Drawing insights from existing literature, this paper has unraveled the complexities of the effect of bureaucracy on organizational dynamics. The review has suggested strategies to mitigate negative impacts and optimize bureaucratic frameworks for enhanced organizational performance. Ultimately, this exploration seeks to provide valuable perspectives for organizational leaders, policymakers, and scholars in creating environments that thrive amidst bureaucratic challenges.</p> Christian Osie Bonsu Copyright (c) 2024 Christian Osie Bonsu Mon, 08 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0000 The Effects of Sacramental Confession on The Emotional Well-Being of Parishioners Within the Catholic Archdiocese of Kumasi <p>This study explores the impact of sacramental confession on the emotional well-being of parishioners within the Catholic Archdiocese of Kumasi, blending theological insights with psychological perspectives. Amidst evolving societal norms and shifting religious practices, the confession sacrament faces challenges and reaffirmation concerning its relevance in contemporary Catholic life. This research aims to dissect the multifaceted role of confession, not only as a spiritual doctrine but also as a therapeutic practice that contributes to individual and communal psychological health. Employing a qualitative research methodology, the study interviewed 41 participants, 7 priests, and 34 parishioners, and their experiences and perceptions of sacramental confession. Through semi-structured interviews and thematic analysis, the research uncovered that most parishioners experienced significant emotional relief and a sense of spiritual renewal following confession. Key findings indicate that the moment of absolution plays a critical role in facilitating feelings of forgiveness and psychological liberation, aligning with prior studies that underscore the psychological benefits of religious rituals. However, the study also identifies a spectrum of responses to confession, highlighting a minority of parishioners who perceive the practice as less spiritually significant. This diversity underscores the complex interplay between personal spirituality, religious doctrine, and cultural context. Additionally, the research delves into the counseling techniques employed by priests during confession, the confidentiality of the sacrament, motivations for participating in confession, and the perceived barriers to its practice. Conclusively, the findings affirm sacramental confession's positive impact on emotional well-being, while also suggesting areas for further research further to understand its role in modern religious and psychological landscapes. This study contributes to the ongoing dialogue between theology and psychology, offering insights into how ancient practices adapt to and support contemporary spiritual and emotional needs.</p> Anthony Otu Abban Copyright (c) 2024 Anthony Otu Abban Mon, 15 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0000