Main Article Content
The study examined learning styles on students’ academic achievement. It investigated such research questions as what is the relationship and impact between learning and students’ academic achievement in mathematics and ICT. The descriptive-correlational design was employed to answer the research questions investigated. One hundred forty (140) respondents (junior high students) were selected through simple random sampling techniques to be part of the study. Pearson correlation and hierarchical regression were used to analyze the results of the study. The findings revealed that the learning style modalities, visual, reading-writing, and kinesthetic, are positively related to mathematics learning; nonetheless, the learning style aural is inversely related to the learning of mathematics. Besides, it was found that the sensory modalities visual and kinesthetic are also positively related to learning of ICT, and aural and reading-writing are inversely related to ICT learning. The hierarchical regression model indicated that visual, reading-writing, and kinesthetic has a positive impact and mediate learning of mathematics. Additionally, the analysis outcomes also indicated visual and kinesthetic mediates learning of ICT and have a positive impact. The study, therefore, strongly recommends that mathematics teachers should optimize visual, reading-writing, and kinaesthetic sensory modalities in the learning of mathematics. Again, maximizing the use of visual and kinaesthetic sensory modalities shall conspire to increase performance in ICT.
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Alavi, S., & Toozandehjani, H. (2017). (2017). The Relationship between Learning Styles and Students’ Identity Styles. Open Journal of Psychiatry, 7, 90-102.
Annie, W., Howard, W., & Mildred, M. (1996). "Achievement and Ability Tests - Definition of the Domain," Educational Measurement 2. Baumeister: University Press of America.
Barman, A., Aziz, R., & Yusoff, Y. (2014). Learning style awareness and academic performance of students. Southeast Asian Journal of Medical Education 8(1)., 8(1).
Creswell, J. W. (2007). Educational Research, Planning, Conducting and Evaluating Quantitative and Qualitative Research. University of Netvaska : Merrill Prentice Hall.
Dalmolin, A., Mackeivicz, G., Pochapski, M., Pilatti, G., & Santos, F. (2018). Learning styles preferences and e-learning experience of undergraduate dental students. . Revista de Odontologia da UNESP, 47(3), 175-182.
Desire, H. (2019). VARK Learning Styles. Science and EDUCATION. Retrieved March 15-03-21, 2019, from
Ghaedi, Z., & Jam, B. (2014). The relationship between Learning Styles and Motivation for Higher Education in EFL Students. Theory and Practice in Language Studies, 4(6), 1232-1237.
Lu, W. H., & Lin, M. C. (2013). The relationship among learning styles, self-efficacy in learning mathematics, and junior high school students' mathematics achievements. Journal of Research on Elementary Education, 10, 21-40.
Lu, X. B. (2013). A correlation study between junior school students’ learning style and English score. Journal of the Chinese Society of Education, 12, 52-55.
Magulod Jr, G. C. (2019). Learning Styles, Study Habits and Academic Performance of Filipino University Students in Applied Science Courses: Implications For Instruction. Journal of Technology and Science Education, 9(2), 184-198.
Nbina, J. B., & Obomanu, B. J. (2011). Assessment of the effect of problem-solving instructional strategies on students’ achievement and retention in chemistry concerning location in rivers State. World Journal of Education, 1(2), 27-79.
Nja, C. O., & Obi, J. J. (2019). Effect of Improvised Instructional Materials on Academic Achievement of SS1 Chemistry Students in Cross River State Nigeria. International Journal of Applied Research Journal of Applied Research, 5(7), 444-448.
Nkaku, M. (2009). Relationship between educational resources and students’ academic performance in Akwa Ibom State (Doctorate Dissertation).
Oriade, T. I. (2008). An empirical study of the Utilization of instructional materials and Laboratory resources in Biology. Curriculum Implementation, 8, 196-203.
Othman, N., & Amiruddin, M. (2010). Different perspectives of learning styles from VARK model. Procedia-Social and Behavioural Sciences, 7, 652-660.
Pashler, H., McDaniel, M., Rohrer, D., & Bjork, R. (2008). Learning styles: Concepts and evidence. Psychological Science in the Public Interest, 9, 105-119.
Sharma, G. (2017). Pros and cons of different sampling techniques. International Journal of Applied Research, 3(7), 749-752.
Subia, G., Amaranto, J., Amaranto, J., Bustamante, J., & Damaso, I. (2019). Chess and Mathematics Performance of College Players: An Exploratory Analysis. Open Access Library Journal, 6, 1-7.