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In the dynamic corporate landscape, marked by continual changes, transitions in leadership have emerged as pivotal moments influencing organizational dynamics and employee experiences. This article delves into the intricate realm of employee attitudes and behaviours during periods of management transition. By scrutinizing aspects such as initial resistance, impact on morale and productivity, opportunities for growth, communication strategies, the development of a supportive culture, and the crucial role of leadership, this comprehensive review offers nuanced insights into the effective management of organizational change. The exploration extends beyond the theoretical framework, delving into practical strategies for leaders navigating the challenges posed by transitions in leadership. The review identifies a critical gap in the existing literature concerning the internationalist of employee attitudes and the multifaceted nature of management transitions. While various studies touch on individual aspects, there is a scarcity of comprehensive analyses that integrate the diverse facets of employee experiences during these transitions. This research aims to bridge this gap by providing a holistic understanding of the challenges and opportunities associated with management changes, offering a valuable resource for scholars, practitioners, and organizational leaders alike. Recommendations derived from the synthesis of literature and empirical insights include fostering transparency through open dialogues, establishing two-way communication platforms to involve employees in the transition process, communicating realistic timelines to manage expectations, and prioritizing the measurement of well-being indicators through surveys and feedback mechanisms. These recommendations serve as a guide for leaders seeking to navigate management transitions with finesse and effectively support their workforce through the complexities of change.


Employee attitudes Management transition Change management Workplace culture Leadership Employee resistance Opportunities for growth

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How to Cite
Lee, C. (2024). Navigating Change: Understanding Employee Attitudes and Behaviors during Periods of Management Transition. International Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies and Innovative Research, 12(1), 1769–1775.


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