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The study examined the typologies, negotiation for space, and the inherent risks in street trading in the Tamale Metropolis of the Northern Region of Ghana. To achieve these objectives, a mixed-method approach was employed to carry out the study. The simple random sampling technique was used to select respondents. Questionnaires and interview guides were used to collect data from fifty-six (56) respondents and twenty-five (25) key informants respectively. The analysis of the data gathered revealed that there were three main typologies of street traders in Tamale Metropolis and these were permanent, intermittent, and mobile street traders. It was also revealed that street traders in Tamale were exposed to various risks such as harassment by city authorities, theft, and exposure to health hazards. A number of driving factors such as lack of capital, lack of employment, difficulties in securing stores, and poverty among others were responsible for street trading in the Tamale Metropolis. The Government of Ghana through the Ministry of Trades and Industry and the District Assembly should provide a congenial environment for street trading in the Tamale Metropolis to ensure the safety of the traders.


Street trading risk Tamale Metropolis typologies hazards harassment

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How to Cite
S., A., & A.J, S. (2022). Street Trading and its Associated Risks in the Tamale Metropolitan Area of the Northern Region, Ghana. International Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies and Innovative Research, 10(1), 1371–1382.


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