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Contemporary and extant literature had focused on the impact of direct and indirect rewards on workers’ motivation in both public and private sectors of the labor force. It was, therefore, exigent to examine rewards schemes that exist in the pastoral ministry and whether it has bearing on motivating church ministers. This is critical owing to the church being one of the rapidly growing organizations in Ghana and formally employing many people, and the apparent neglect of literature addressing this issue. The main purpose of this study was to assess and understand the effect of reward and motivation strategies on the performance of ordained Ministers in the Presbyterian Church of Ghana. The study was influenced by the conspicuous gaps in the literature with respect to total rewards and motivation in pastoral ministry. The research questions were: what total rewards were available to Pastors, what were Pastor's perceptions of these, and finally the effect of these rewards on pastors’ motivation? The Brong and Ahafo Presbytery of the Presbyterian Church of Ghana was used as a case to investigate the research problem from a positivist outlook. The findings of the study revealed that the work environment was safe and secure, had a sense of belongingness (cordial relationship with staff), had the opportunity to work at home, had regular communication with superiors, and had access to learning and development opportunities which had averages above 3.50. 


Rewards motivation ordained ministers Presbyterian Church Ghana

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How to Cite
Asiedu , R. B. O. (2023). The Effect of Reward and Motivation Strategies on the Performance of Ordained Ministers in the Presbyterian Church of Ghana. International Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies and Innovative Research, 11(1), 42–56.


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